Are you interested in saving the planet by spending your hard earned money on products which are made with the planet in mind? We have a curated list of products available which are tailored on the basis of their eco friendliness. Solar panels, organic cleaning products, vegan foods, electric cars we have everything ecofriendly right here. We have the best range of eco friendly environmental products.
Editor’s Top Ten Picks
- Electric Scooters
Electric scooters have become possible because of the advent of Lithium Ion batteries which enable large volume energy storage in the batteries that power the scooters. They are a super convenient way to get around town with zero carbon emissions and are super fun to ride. Especially if you live in a big city where owning a car is impractical or too expensive because of parking, insurance, registration and all the other things that come with car ownership an electric scooter is a fantastic alternative. Electric Scooters are also very popular with students who live on campuses where getting around is difficult without a car.
2. Solar panels
Solar panels are a fantastic way to save the environment and money. Using solar power can slash your energy bills. You can also use them as an alternative energy source for camping in the great outdoors. They can be used to charge batteries and power many different types of appliances whether you are at home or on a camping trip. Solar panels ensure that you can enjoy the benefits of civilisation in the great outdoors without burning the fossil fuels that are creating the pollution that is slowly destroying our environment.
2. Organic Cleaning Products
Cleaning products can contain harmful chemicals which are detrimental to both human health and the environment. However, many companies are now developing cleaning solutions which are based on natural ingredients that are not harmful to human health or the environment. We have a large range of cleaning products available which will not harm you, your, family or the environment.
Do you have suggestions for eco friendly environmental products you would like us to have on the site?